Navigating the Future: How OMB’s Guidance Is Shaping Federal AI Use and Management

AI World Vision
4 min readApr 1, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to reshape the world, but with this transformative endeavor comes great risk. Despite its potential, there is also the equal but no less potentially damaging implication that risks accompanying AI use in government come in tandem. Understanding this divide, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has given out critical guidance in order to steer federal agencies in the implementation of AI. This article will take an in-depth look into such guidance, pointing out its impacts and implications across the federal landscape.

AI Governance: The Administrative Backbone

At the core of the OMB’s guideline is the importance of AI governance. Given the significance of AI to public service delivery and operational efficiency within government institutions, it is a tool with great potential but also carries risk. The recommendation to designate an AI governance lead, to set up a dedicated AI governance board, and to establish a comprehensive framework, not only structures but also streamlines AI initiatives across agencies. Such an approach leads to the adoption of a coherent and consistent AI policy and practice that brings it in line with both the agency’s goals and broader ethical standards.



AI World Vision

Disabled retiree trying to improve his life by writing about news in Artificial Intelligence, Crypto finance, internet protection and technological innovations.