Onwards to the Tomorrow: Leaping Open-Sources with Worldcoin Foundation

AI World Vision
4 min readMar 25, 2024

In a life chock-full of tech upgradings, digital revolutions, even a zombie apocalypse could not be more important than safeguarding one’s digital identity. Realistically recognizing this key priority? The Worldcoin Foundation be doing a novel thing, having open-sourced its Orb software’s central bits. This action is like opening a book — a new one — in the life story the Worldcoin protocol. This is a unique identity network, for the most part, uncensored. It wants to change what digital uniqueness and safety mean. So let’s dive, more like belly flop, into this trailblazing thingy and how it paves the path for a tomorrow where tech brings together inclusivity; innovation, and safety.

Looking into the Worldcoin Protocol from afar

Essentially, the Worldcoin protocol has much ambition to construct a unique network for digital identities. The base of it is built on a check-an-individual algorithm that cleverly mixes computer vision and facial recognition for person checking. And what is the endgame? A confirmed, legitimate method for the world folks to prove, they kind of exist and take claim over their own digital identities. How? Whilst keeping their privacy intact.



AI World Vision

Disabled retiree trying to improve his life by writing about news in Artificial Intelligence, Crypto finance, internet protection and technological innovations.